Friday, April 29, 2011

Happy marriages begin when we marry the ones we love and they blossom when we love the ones we marry

I love weddings so of cause I was glued to my TV this morning watching the union between Prince William and Kate. I remember pretending to be sick 30 years ago so that I didn't have to go to school just so that I could stay home and watch Prince Charles marry Diana. Now I am lucky enough to watch her son tie the knot, but I think it is sad that she couldn't be there in person and be part of this happy occasion. Many girls dream of growing up and marrying a dashing prince, my husband may not be of royal blood, but he is definitely a prince in my eyes as he is handsome, charming, kind, loyal, considerate, hard-working, generous, sincere, trustworthy and dependable. What more can a girl ask for! I have been truly blessed and I can't wait for my dashing prince to fly back home to me.

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